Supplements for Beginners
Supplements for Beginners
If you're a beginner, supplements can be a great way to improve your health and fitness. Being a first-time supplement user can be a little intimidating, but with the right supplements, you can achieve your fitness goals more efficiently. We will walk you through the basics of supplement science to help you decide which supplements to take based on your current goals and fitness level. Armed with the knowledge from this guide, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals in no time.
These are 7 supplements you will need to increase mass, maintain energy and stay healthy. A look at each of these supplements in detail and how they benefit the body.
1. Arginine - Amino Acid Supplement and Anti Aging Properties!
It is an amino acid that is converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a compound that increases blood flow throughout the body and reduces blood pressure. This makes it useful for maintaining cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation. It is also a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes who want to build more muscle and improve athletic performance. Arginine is also known to boost growth hormones as well.
2. Creatine - Increasing Strength in Muscles!
This supplement is made up of amino acids and helps to increase muscle mass and enhance performance in sports that require explosive bursts of energy such as weightlifting or sprinting. It also helps improve memory and reduce fatigue. Creatine supplementation is particularly popular among endurance athletes because it is a natural source of energy that helps enhance performance by replenishing the body's stores of ATP.
3. HMB - Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate
Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate is an amino acid produced in the body from the proteins we consume. Metabolite of leucine, it is the most important branched chain amino acids. Supplementing beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate can help prevent age-related muscle loss by strengthening and building muscle tissue while reducing muscle breakdown and increasing protein synthesis. However, it works best when combined with strength training, and is often taken with other bodybuilding supplements to help boost fat loss.
4. Whey Protein Powder - Increase Mass & Stamina!
Whey protein is the protein fraction separated from the liquid portion of milk during the cheese making process. It is the one supplement everyone needs regardless of experience. This is a fast digesting protein that is taken before and after workout that provides amino acids required to build muscle protein. Also, it helps fight hunger and prevent muscle breakdown during exercise by giving the muscles the nutrients they need to recover faster after a workout.
5. Glutamine - Reduce Muscle Soreness After A Workout!
L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the human body and is important for many functions including muscle growth and repair. Studies show that supplementing with L-glutamine can help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. It can also improve recovery time post-workout so you can get back to doing the things you love!
6. Multi Vitamins - Help Build Healthy Immune System!
Essential vitamins are substances your body needs for good health. While you can get some from food, getting enough can be difficult because your body doesn't produce all the vitamins and minerals it needs on its own. That is why you should add multivitamins to your routine because they can help boost your immunity and promote health in general!
7. Fish Oil - Lower Blood Pressure & Cholesterol!
Omega 3 fatty acids are important building blocks for healthy cells and have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile. They also help reduce joint inflammation and help improve cognitive function. You can get omega 3 from fish oil or other types of fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines. For best results, consume about 2 grams of fish oil per day. Supplements may be a good option if you cannot get enough omega-3s from your diet. Avoid cod liver oil as it may contain too much vitamin A.
The true beginner stack consists of whey protein, a multi vitamin, fish oil and glutamine. These all work together to maximize your gains in the gym by helping your muscles recover faster and preventing fatigue during and after your workouts. They are also great for anyone who is looking to lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle.