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    ON Serious Mass For Weight Gain Goals

    What comes to mind when someone say ‘weight management’? Chances that people think weight loss. However weight management really looks at all aspect from weight loss to weight maintenance to weight gain. So why would one want to gain weight in the 1st place? Well, that depends. There are people who want to put on mass to help build their physique and/or achieve an ideal body weight. Those who may benefit from weight gain supplements may include those who need serious recovery, find it tough to take enough cal from food alone and/or expend lots of energy but find it challenging to gain weight regardless of their diet.A weight gain supplement suit for those who can relate to the any of the above.

    The Journey to Gain Weight

    Ask anyone about their journey to gain weight. Chances are that some say they can easily put on weight, whereas some may require a bit more time, effort and thought. In all, the goal to gain weight may seem like an easy task but it can actually be pretty challenging for some. It’s important to remember that everyone is different with different cal needs. Ultimately, the rate and ability to gain weight differs for everyone and is extremely individualized. The ability to gain weight can potentially be influenced by your body, metabolism and type and level of activity. Metabolism is a key component as generally-speaking, muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. Those with more muscle have higher resting energy expenditure and the more cal the body burns. Also, the type and level of activity can heavily impact the needed amount of cal as generally the more movement, the more cal the body and muscles need. If the goal is to gain weight, then it’s important to consider all these factors.

    Not All Calories Are Created Equal

    Well, when it comes to weight gain - nutrients are as important as cal. The diet, the food choice and cal taken matter. The body runs on calories from the diet taken and it’s important get proper nutrients. Moreover, where the additional cal come from depend on the fitness goals. If interested in gaining weight and muscle, then may consider increasing the protein intake long with a resistance exercise program. Those interested in overall weight gain, then may increase the balance of macronutrient intake from protein, carbohydrates and fat. Find different fueling opportunities throughout the day and incorporate a variety of foods to help meet the caloric needs.

    When to Turn to Weight Gain Supplements

    Some may find it hard to gain weight regardless of dietary intake. If dietary needs are unmet through food alone, then may consider a weight gain supplement to help meet the caloric needs. Always aim for a food-first approach. Begin with adding both cal and nutrient-dense foods 1st like nuts, nut butters, seeds, eggs, full-fat dairy, fatty fish and plant oils. Meeting cal needs for weight gain may seem like a daunting task. Some may feel like they can never eat enough in a day to meet close to their cal needs. However, this is when weight gain supplements come into play. Weight gain supplements or 'gainers' have high cal and protein supplements taken for the purpose to gain or maintain weight. Here’s how it works.

    How to Use Gainers

    ON Serious Mass is designed to help build muscle and put on weight. It’s a high-protein weight-gain formula which provides 1250 cal/serving. It's designed to help support weight gain goals. Think of it like this: There are about 3500 cal in 1lb or454g. Therefore taking 1 serving of ON Serious Mass each day above maintain need to give about 8750 extra cal in just 1 wk – that’s about 1kg of weight. New users may find it helpful to begin with half a serving and increase gradually to a full serving, as tolerated.It can also increase the amount of cal by adding other food like whole milk, soy milk, nut butters, seeds and/or fruits.

    There are many chances in the day to add ON Serious Mass into the routine. Find what works best. 1st and foremost – a common perception is that gainers are  meal replacement. However, gainers are to supplement the diet. Gainers can be a convenient way to help boost your cal. Try adding a shake post-workout, between meals, with meals or whenever you simply needs a cal boost.

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