Recover and boost muscle growth while you sleep with casein

Recover and boost muscle growth while you sleep with casein

What is Casein?

Milk contains two types of proteins — casein and whey. Casein is 80% of the milk protein, while whey is 20%.

Casein protein is digested slowly, while whey protein is digested quickly.

It releases amino acids slowly, Usually consumed before bed to help with recovery and reduce muscle breakdown while they sleep.

Studies have shown it helps boost muscle growth, along with a ton of other benefits.

Casein is a complete protein source. It provides all the essential amino acids your body needs for growth and muscle repair. It also contains various unique proteins and bioactive compounds, some of which have health benefits.

How does it work?

The slow absorption rate to the gut means that it feeds your cells with amino acids at a low level over a long period of time. Your cells will synthesize protein, even during times when your body might normally be breaking down its own muscles to feed itself, such as when you haven’t eaten for some time

The most common form of Casein is:

  • Micellar casein: This is the most popular form and is digested slowly. A slow absorption rate in the gut.
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