Supplements to Optimise Muscle Hypertrophy
What Is hypertrophy?
Muscular hypertrophy is the increase in muscle mass which related to the increase in muscle size and strength. There are two different types of hypertrophy namely, myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic
- Myofibrillar - It is when the number of myofibrils (muscle fibres that allow muscles to contract) increases which causes increase in strength and density
- Sarcoplasmic - It is the increase in Sarcoplasmic fluid which is transported to the muscles during workout to provide energy. This will increase in muscle size.
How to train for Muscular Hypertrophy?
One should focus on strength training to achieve both myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Increasing the weight and challenging yourself during your resistance workouts will damage the muscle fibres which in turn will be repaired and promote muscle growth and strength.
3 Supplements to optimise Muscle hypertrophy
Protein - Aids with muscle repair and recovery after muscle fibres have been broken down. It also aids with muscle synthesis.
Creatine - Sarcoplasmic fluid contains creatine monohydrate, with the aid of a creatine monohydrate supplement, it causes increase in muscle size. Creatine also improves athletic performance which in turn allows longer training periods and with that, further muscle growth.
Citrulline - A common ingredient found in Pre-Workouts which improves the production of nitric oxide In the body, improving blood flow. This allows efficient transportation of nutrients to the muscles.