CLA +CARNITINE is made up of CLA and L- Carnitine, two popular ingredients that have been clinically shown to help with weight management. CLA + CARNITINE work synergistically to help burn stored body fat, converting it to energy.
On a diet, your body has a tendency to break down muscle. By acting as an alternative energy source, CLA helps preserve muscle mass. Muscle is your metabolic engine – the more muscle you have, the more calories your body is able to burn. By helping to preserve lean muscle mass, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may help boost metabolism.
Carnitine is a fat transporter that takes freed-up fat cells to the mitochondria where they are burned for energy. CLA helps curb lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which may prevent future fat storage.
Get all these benefits at the convenience of consuming just one product. Unlike other weight loss formulas, CLA + Carnitine contains no caffeine, so you can take it any time of day without worrying about the jitters or a crash.